10 Reasons Why I’m Unfollowing Everyone on Instagram

Cory Stout
3 min readFeb 26, 2019


Why I’m Un-following Everyone on Instagram

Simply: I want to take back control of my attention

Long Version:

Facebook/Instagram have created the greatest attention shredding system the world has ever known. They’ve perfected this system over many years and probably trillions of data points. They have armies of engineers constantly tweaking the algorithm to maximize addiction to the content they serve. There are billions of dollars at stake, and they are playing for keeps.

What defense do I have? Just me and my little mindfulness books. It’s not a fair fight.

I’ve decided to exit for a multitude of reasons and I’d like to outline them here:

  1. I want a more intentional approach to attention. When I let Instagram serve me pictures from my feed, I don’t have any particular purpose, I’m browsing, and they are in control. Contrast that to Amazon, when I need something, I open the app, search it, buy it, close the app. Imagine if we took that approach to Instagram. How’s Lindsay doing? Open app, search Lindsay, like 5 photos, send a DM ‘cool trip!’, close app. Ahhhh much better. I want to get away from shallow communication and make more room for deeper communication. Direct > Feed
  2. I am tired of seeing so many ads. Instagram must have tripled the number of ads they show, it’s every 3 pictures, and they also allow auto-play on videos
  3. I would rather get a direct update of someone’s life straight from them. Let’s say I haven’t talked to Ralph in 3 weeks. If I’ve seen his pictures on Instagram, then we have less to say to each other during a catch-up. I’d rather save it all up and have a person send me 10 pictures at once and we have a conversation about what those moments meant to that person and what they learned about life. Fire emoji is just not going to cut it anymore.
  4. If we haven’t talked to each other at all in 6 months, then we’re almost certainly not real friends. If we haven’t seen each other in a year, and we’ve made no attempt, then we’re almost certainly not real friends. There might be a *few* exceptions to this rule, but I’m sticking with it. If we’re not real friends, then I don’t need to see what you’re doing.
  5. It’s all bullshit anyways, people only post their highlight reels. I’m searching for more authenticity in my life, and Instagram is not where it’s at
  6. Signal to Noise ratio is out of whack. Way too much noise
  7. Beyonce follows zero people, she’s living her best life
  8. I’ve spent enough time scrolling Instagram for one lifetime
  9. My 2019 New Year’s resolution was ‘Less Screens, More Movement’
  10. It’s obviously harmful for mental health

Hypocrite Alert: I’m still going to post a picture on Instagram once in a while, I might even post on my story! Instagram is the best journal I’ve ever created, I can look back on my profile and I’m able to recount beautiful memories. Feel free to unfollow me, instead, give me a call! But I suspect that it won’t be long before I relegate the app altogether. This is a baby step



Cory Stout
Cory Stout

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